To provide FREE academic and mental health support to military families.
The first of its kind, this novel concept leans on volunteers to "Pay it Forward" where no other resource exists in its precise nature. The Warfighter Mindset is paramount to fulfilling our duties both at home and abroad. Given the current state of significant shortfalls, it was time to act to ensure we succeed before, during and after service.
What We Offer
AFSC provides four (4) essential services:
1) Subject-Specific Tutoring
2) Professional Writing Assistance
3) Coaching
4) Mentorship
WCOnline is a user-friendly platform that enables access to our resources.
*Virtual appointments are blended via Synchronous (real-time interactions by video conferencing) and Asynchronous (upload work for review/commentary - WRITING ONLY).
How to access:
Register/create an account.
Find a member of our Team you'd like to meet with.
Login to the respective schedule & search for the desired team member.
Book your appointment, include the necessary details and enjoy!